What Are The Current Risks Of IoT?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an internetworking system of computing devices, machines and more. Each device is embedded with unique identifiers with an ability to transfer data over a network. This type of innovative and advanced technology has the potential to revolutionize our day to day lives. It can significantly change how we manage our cities, healthcare, and agriculture.

Today, IoT makes up various everyday things like ATMs, smart surveillance, traffic lights, and even thermostats. With such great potential and many advantages, it’s hard to believe there are some downsides to IoT.

Privacy Risks
In this day and age, having privacy and anonymity has become more difficult. As technology continues to take control of our everyday lives, privacy and security are slowly becoming a thing of the past. The IoT is making taking privacy risks to the next level. The more everyday devices, services, and appliances connect to the internet, the more information is readily available. This means confidential information is much more vulnerable to hackers and can get into the wrong hands.

Compatibility Challenges
Each device is unique in its own way.  The world has embraced technology and has found new and innovative ways of producing it. Different manufacturers have their own way of developing their technology with distinct connectivity. Because technology has become so diverse around the world, there is not an international standard of compatibility for the IoT. Due to the lack of compatibility standards, communication between the devices from different manufacturers around the world can present many issues.

Too Complex
The future is now, but we are still being held back by the simple systems of the past. Although IoT is already being used in our everyday lives, the complexity of this interworking system possesses many threats. A single failure in the software or hardware has the potential to reap catastrophic consequences.  This type of vast and complicated network system is far too advanced and complex. If just one malfunction were to happen, all devices and connections are put at risk and can also malfunction.

Job Market Decrease
Nowadays, computers and machines do the work for you. Technology has made our everyday lives easier and more efficient. But this could potentially mean that with more machines and devices taking over the day to day activities at home and the workplace, there will be less need for menial jobs and unskilled employees. IoT promotes automation and consistent technology, which could mean a sharp decline in employment.

With such great power to change the world and our everyday lives, the advancements of IoT is a technological revolution. Although it has the potential to improve the world around us, the disadvantages should not be ignored.






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